Foot sweated and shoes that did not have time for the circulation could cause the fungus to nest in shoes and socks. These germs could cause the aroma that did not please when shoes were taken off. Along with, the guidance reduced the smell foot according to American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon:
- Washed foot well every day with soap and water, then keringkan in a manner was good for prevented the growth of the bacteria.
- Often the substitute for shoes and socks, at least a day very much.
- Oleskan the powder non-medicated like the baby's powder or the powder foot every day.
- Checked foot for each sign of the fungus infection or the bacteria and treated every time symptom exactly. Put on thick cotton socks and absorbed sweat with shoes.
- Put on shoes that were made from the material that the ray breathed like canvas, skin or the net. Avoided a senior officer plastic or nylon. Don't put on shoes that were same while 2 days were endless.