Thursday, August 27, 2009

How to Lower Cholesterol Levels?

Lowering cholesterol is important for everyone, including younger, middle-aged, and older adults, and people with or without heart disease and/or stroke. Lowering cholesterol is extremely important key to reducing the risk of heart disease. High levels of LDL are associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Lower levels of LDL cholesterol mean a lower risk of heart disease. Most doctors suggest cholesterol levels should stay under 200 mg/dl. Lowering cholesterol is recommended to lead a more healthy life and main. Lowering cholesterol is just one way to look after your heart.

Lowering cholesterol is actually quite simple, and doesn't require surgery or drugs with healthy lifestyle, naturally lowering cholesterol is easy since it helps normalize your cholesterol, naturally and safely. One of the easiest ways to starting lowering cholesterol is to limit the amount of cholesterol you take in. What kind of foods and diets to chose for lowering cholesterol?

There are several foods & diets that have been discovered to lower cholesterol levels;

- Foods with enhanced levels of plant sterols can help lower cholesterol.

- Low Cholesterol Foods. Choose foods that are low in fat, especially saturated fat.

- Avoid fried foods.

- Foods high in soluble fiber are very helpful in lowering cholesterol levels, especially LDL. Plants are foods that more effective in lowering cholesterol.

- Replace high-fat foods with all low – fat foods.

- Oat bran and brown rice bran are the best foods for lowering cholesterol.

Discover how you can lower your cholesterol naturally by using a Cholesterol diet, exercise regularly and there are a number of herbs used for naturally lowering cholesterol. Maintain your healthy cholesterol naturally without Medication is easy since it helps normalize your cholesterol, naturally and safely. And it is possible to lower your cholesterol naturally. Lower cholesterol naturally and live a longer healthier life.

Lowering cholesterol is important for everyone because lowering cholesterol is a one important key in the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease. The main goal in lowering cholesterol is to lower your LDL and raise your HDL. Lowering cholesterol is just one way to lead a more healthy life and maintain a healthy heart

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Controlling Your High Blood Pressure Without Drugs

High blood pressure affects many people, with up to ninety percent of all people being affected at some time in their lives. Though many causes of high blood pressure are due to lifestyle choices such as not eating properly or eating the wrong choices of food, there are some causes, such as heredity and excessive stress, that we have little control over.

By adhering to a healthier plan for your nutrition and taking the time to exercise properly and more often, you'll have a better chance of lowering your blood pressure naturally. Taking the time to really look at the factors in your life that may affect your blood pressure can be the best way to start taking better care of yourself. High blood pressure is an easy condition to ignore, but if you make the effort, it's not hard to manage and treat.

Learning to live a healthy lifestyle is one of the first things you can do to help lower your high blood pressure. This change in lifestyle can play a pivotal role in treating your condition, whether you use any type of blood pressure medication or not. The result of this kind of change will be getting your better health back.

If you're not already on medication for high blood pressure, changing your lifestyle could delay or reduce the need for it. Making a single change in your lifestyle choices, such as exercising more or eating better, will enhance your chances of lowering your high blood pressure. Maintaining a healthy blood pressure level will help you to live a longer and healthier life while lowering the threat of heart attacks and stroke. Lowering your high blood pressure can also prevent liver disease, as well as mental problems such as dementia and Alzheimer's.

Starting out with small, manageable changes in your lifestyle is the way to begin the road to better health. Exercising will not only help you to lose weight and feel better about yourself, but it will also have the added benefit of strengthening your heart, bones and muscles.

Losing just a little weight can help your blood pressure go down a noticeable amount. The more weight you manage to get rid of, the better you're going to feel and the more your high blood pressure will drop. Because it comes down to habit, your lifestyle changes must take into account those late-night snacks and extra helpings at mealtimes that may have become bad habits. Have a talk with your doctor about what your target weight should be to be healthy.

If you have high blood pressure you should try to get at least thirty minutes of exercise every day to help lower your pressure and prolong your life. Your doctor can help you work out a safe and manageable exercise regimen for you to follow. Even just walking for exercise can have a major impact on improving your health.

If you have high blood pressure, try to stay away from isometric exercises that require straining your muscles. Also, don't try and cram a week's worth of exercising into a few hours on the weekend. This will only end up creating another set of bad habits that will need breaking in order for you to get healthier again.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Eating Healthy For Vegetarians

The vegetarian way of eating can be a very healthy style
of eating. But the rules of healthy eating still apply.
You still need to add variety with balance, and moderation.

A vegetarian is someone who avoids all types of meat,
whether it is hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken, or even fish.
Vegetarians are sometimes classified by the type of
food they are or aren't willing to eat. For example,
Lacto-ovo vegetarians will avoid animal flesh, yet they
will eat eggs and most dairy products. A Vegan on the
other hand, will avoid all food that has any trace of
animal origin.

Because vegetarians don't eat meat they often
wonder if they are getting enough protein. Although you may
not realize it, the average American consumes
more protein than he actually needs. For the lacto-ovo
vegetarian, dairy products are an excellent source of
protein. Vegans on the other hand, get their protein
from nuts, seeds, and soy products.

A staple for vegetarians is the bean. Tthere are several types of
beans to choose from, including peanuts, split
peas, pinto beans, soy beans or nuts, kidney beans, and many more.

Some of them you are already familiar, such as kidney beans in
chili, refried beans in Mexican dishes, red beans and
rice, and pinto beans. Although some beans taste good
as they are, others are available with different flavors
to help enhance their taste.

Nuts are high in protein,although they deliver a lot more

fat than beans, which means you should enjoy them in moderation.
One cup of cooked beans supplies the same amount of
protein as eating two ounces of meat!

Since vegans avoid all types of animal food they should be concerned
with getting enough vitamin B12, calcium, and vitamin D.
In the average North American diet, the primary source
for B12 is animals. To have an adequate intake of B12,
vegans should regularly consume vitamin B12 supplements or
foods which contain vitamin B12, such as soy products
or milk.

Vegans can rely on orange juice or soy milk for calcium
as they are calcium fortified. Beans and leafy green
vegetables also contain some calcium as

Although all types of vegetarians rely on simple food
groups, controlling your vitamins and calcium intake is
something you should always do. This is very important
for eating healthy, as well as staying healthy. If you
control what you eat, you'll have many years of healthy
eating ahead of you.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Easy Diet Plan

When we are experiencing the battle of the bulge, we tend to go on yet another diet. We often look for an easy diet plan to follow. Heres the thing though, once we get off it, we find ourselves right back to where we started. The weight comes creeping back and then some.

I am not a big fan of the word “diet” just because of the negative connotations that come to mind when we think of the actual “dieting” part…irritability, hunger pangs, cravings. But by following a few simple steps we can make it a life choice and never have to utter the word diet again.

There are lots of gurus out there that will tell you to do this, take that, follow their easy diet plan and in no time you’ll have a ripped midsection and be kicking sand into someone else’s face. Fact of the matter is, sometimes they don’t work and the only thing you lose is money.

Here is my seven-step easy diet plan you can follow that will reap tons of benefits the more you practice them. Follow this easy diet plan and you will start shedding the pounds, but more importantly you will keep it off.

1. Eat 5-6 smaller meals. Instead of two to three large meals, eating more frequently speeds up your metabolism, which means more weight loss.

2. Make healthier choices when eating out. More and more restaurants are making it easier to eat out and eat healthy. Get a garden burger instead of the2 pound Angus beef or get a side salad instead of fries. Or be even crazier and eat a large salad altogether!

3. Drink more water. Your body retains water when you don’t get too much of it, which means more water weight. Drink more water and it adapts as such.

4. Make your own meals. Often when we buy meals from a lunch wagon or fast food joint, we have no idea how much fat, sodium and carbohydrates. Preparing your own meal is not only cheaper, but you can control the amount of fat and salt that goes into it.

5. Exercise. Even if it’s walking the dog after dinner, you must engage in some form of physical activity on a regular basis. Doing so burn more calories, which in turn burns off the weight.

6. Take the stairs. You’ll be amazed how many extra calories you can burn off by taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

7. Eat less processed foods. In one can of soup or microwave meal you will typically find almost a day’s RDA of sodium. Choose raw veggies and whole grain breads over their fatty and salt laden counterparts.

Hope this easy diet plan helps!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Truth about Healthy Carbohydrates and Low Blood Sugar

People are still confused. When you have low blood sugar, should you follow a high-carb diet or the opposite? Studies that have been conducted to discover the link between carbohydrates and low blood sugar have unfortunately produced mixed results.

Starting with the Basics: The Role of Carbohydrates

Food can be divided into several groups. One of such groups is foods that are high on carbohydrates. Carbohydrates, to health-conscious individuals, are the bane of their existence and represent their greatest temptations. Why? While foods high on carbohydrates are usually sinfully delicious, they’re also quick to increase your weight. Obviously, they’re not the types of foods that you could eat in abundance – even if you want to.

Carbohydrates can be found in rice, bread, fruits, and of course, sweets such as candies, chocolates, ice cream, and cakes. Yes, the best things in this world are usually high on carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates however cannot be eliminated completely because they’re an important source of glucose. Glucose or blood sugar is basically one of the things that keep our bodies functioning. If the glucose level in our bodies go past the safety line, our organs will be severely affected.

The Two Types of carbohydrates

Simple Carbohydrates

What They Are: When you eat anything with carbohydrates, the carbohydrates into smaller and more basic particles, like glucose. Some carbohydrates are simpler to break down than others, and these are called – what else – simple carbohydrates. These carbohydrates can be found in foods like milk and fruits. When you eat them, they almost immediately allow glucose to enter the bloodstream in our bodies. This can lead to reactive hypoglycemia in some instances.

What to Do: Limit intake of food with simple carbohydrates as much as possible. Because they’re mostly delicious to eat, it’s hard for you to stop yourself from eating too much of it. After overeating, the next possible step might be hypoglycemia.

Complex Carbohydrates

What They Are: Like protein, complex carbohydrates play a significant role in our diet. Like simple carbohydrates, they also give our bodies energy to continue functioning. Unlike simple carbohydrates however, complex carbohydrates – as you may have guessed – are more difficult for our bodies to digest and break down. For that reason, they have a somewhat more beneficial effect to our body. Since it takes complex carbohydrates comparatively a longer time to produce glucose, this will help in keeping the blood sugar level in our bodies normal. Complex carbohydrates an be found in foods like pasta and potatoes.

What to Do: If you’re already suffering from reactive hypoglycemia, the best antidote for your problem is complex carbohydrates. But again, don’t eat too much of it, or you’ll be back to square one!

Other Ways to Defeat Hypoglycemia

You already know how to treat hypoglycemia by choosing to eat healthy carbohydrates rather than its evil twin. That’s great. But don’t limit yourself to just one option. When you know you’re facing a life-threatening risk, it’s always better to have more than one lifeline to hang on to, isn’t it?

Medication – It’s very possible that your hypoglycemia could be just a side-effect of your diabetic medication, especially if you haven’t actually consulted a doctor yet.

Exercise – While we commend you for your determination and willpower, you’re not allowed to exercise too much or for too long if you’re suffering from diabetes. Exerting effort requires glucose expenditure, which may consequently lead to hypoglycemia.

Whatever you do, don’t do it without asking your doctor. That’s the way life goes for diabetics!

What is Cellulite?

There are several people, especially women, who get embarrassed due to the effects of cellulite on their body. With the number of treatments out there promising effective results against cellulites, many people wonder what are those treatments that actually work.

Some might say that cellulite creams are effective. However, these creams only hide the effects of cellulite for a short period of time and do not actually eliminate the cellulites.

Because of this, several people have come into terms with their excess baggage on their thighs and arms and just learned to live with it. What they do not know is that there are still available treatments for cellulite that provide considerable results.


Cellulite is a condition that usually occurs on men and more commonly on women. The condition is characterized by the dimpling of the skin located on the lower limbs, pelvic region, and abdomen after puberty.

There are several factors accounting to the occurrence of the condition and one of them is hormones. Many believe that hormones play a central role in the formation of cellulite. Estrogen, which is also the most significant hormone, has the tendency to start and worsen cellulite. There are also other hormones though to be involves, such as: insulin, thyroid hormones, catecholamines adrenaline, noradrenaline and prolactin.

On the other hand, there are also predisposing factors that might have caused the formation of cellulites. Such factors include the biotype, which is a determining hormone receptor allele for the number and sensitivity of fat distribution in the body, gender and race.

Treatments for Cellulite

There are several known treatments for cellulite. Two of them are Mesotherapy and Endermologie. The latter is a patented procedure developed in France during the 1980s. It reached the United States in 1996. This less invasive procedure uses an Endermologie machine, which utilizes rollers and gentle vacuuming to give a deep massage to the affected areas.

Endermologie works by lifting the skin through the vacuum, which in turn mobilizes the deep tissue. The rollers, on the other hand, provide a deep and subdermal massage to the fibrous connective tissue. These simultaneous actions will loosen the compressed and trapped fat, thus easing the circulation of the blood.

Mesotherapy, on the other hand, works by injecting small amounts of medications, vitamins and amino acids to the mesoderm layer of the skin. This is done in order to break down the cellulite and enhance circulation.

Why Cellulite Treatment Does Not Work

Probably one of the most popular and most advertised kinds of cellulite treatment is the cream. However, there is no miracle cream that can command your thighs to eat away the cellulite. Nevertheless, the creams work by smoothing and lifting the surface of your skin in order to reduce the appearance of the horrible skin puckering.

The most important ingredients of these creams are caffeine and retinol. These two aid the outer layer of our skin to firm and relieve the bumps. There are also other ingredients in the cream that help make your skin look smoother, decrease stretch marks and provide an overall illusion of a baby’s butt.

Although these creams are very expensive, many women are taking refuge in these products in the hope of eliminating cellulite. What they do not know is that cellulite is still there. The cream only works by masking the effect of cellulite on the outside. Doctors are yet to find a verifiable and working solution for cellulite.

Alternatives in Battling Cellulites

Recently, another player comes into the battlefield and it is known by the name of Cellulite laser treatment. This treatment is still in its experimental stage and is still being improved. More so, the treatment is a process that involves physical massage and exterior influence of a properly calibrated laser. The laser then penetrates the skin and softens the subcutaneous fat allowing them to be reshaped and change in appearance.

Generally, cellulite laser treatment might feel like a deep tissue massage. After the treatment, patients would report slight reddening and some bruising on the treated areas; these are nothing to worry about because they can disappear in a matter of days. The treatment offers a possible solution to the skin problem though it is recommended for the patients to change their diet and maintain their health after the procedure.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Ultimate Acne Relief from Acne Skin

Consumer: Acne sufferers

The purpose of the Ultimate Acne Relief ebook is to provide information and instruction for those who suffer with acne.

Pros: The Ultimate Acne Relief ebook is for teenagers (girls and boys) and for men and women of all ages who suffer from acne. Included with the purchase of the Ultimate Acne Relief ebook are four bonus ebooks that most people will find very helpful as well. The four bonus ebooks are; Lessons from the Miracle Doctors, 17 Hollywood Diets, 97 Ways to Get Fit and Stay Fit, and 225 Bath – Face – and Body Recipes.

The Ultimate Acne Relief ebook discusses such issues as acne and diet, acne and skin care products, acne and hygiene, and acne and shaving. The Ultimate Acne Relief ebook is written in layman’s terms rather than medical jargon so it is very easy to read, and it contains a great deal of helpful information for acne sufferers of all ages. The information is presented in a very easy-to-read manner.

Cons: The Ultimate Acne Relief is a very good ebook but there really isn’t any new information offered.

Guarantee: There is a 100% guarantee of satisfaction offered by Acne Skin Relief.

Value for money: The Ultimate Acne Relief ebook appears to be a very good value and with all of the added free bonuses, it becomes an excellent value.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Foods for Healthy Heart

Everyday, thousands of people are put on prescription medication for high blood pressure, high cholesterol or atherosclerosis because heart disease is the leading cause of death in Americans over the age of 45. The process seems to begin with an injury in an artery's lining caused by high blood pressure, smoking or an amino acid called homocystein which is generated by the breakdown of protein in the body. Cholesterol and other fats get trapped at the damaged site and become oxidized or turn 'rusty' and attract an assortment of cells that turn to plaque. The problem with plaque is that it makes blood flow very difficult so it is important to feed your body with foods that can help prevent this oxidation process. Here are some foods to consider adding to your daily regimen:

.1. Avocados - contain good fats and potassium that help lower cholesterol and blood pressure and help prevent cancer. You want to eat about 1/3 of an avocado per day or make some guacemole for a heart healthy snack.

2. Lentils - are loaded with all sorts of nutrients that protect the heart including folate and fiber. There are 9 grams of protein in 1/2 cup so they make a great substitute for meat.

3. Onions - contain sulfur compounds, also found in garlic, that thin your blood and lower blood pressure naturally. The most quercetin is found in red onions, followed by yellow and white onions, and help prevent oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol.

4. Sardines - contain Omega 3's which decrease blood clotting, prevent heart arrhythmias and fight inflammation throughout the body.

5. Pumpkin Seeds - are high in Omega 3's too and help clean up arteries and capillaries. Sprinkle them on salads or grind them up in a food processor and add to whole grain flour to coat chicken or fish for a delicious main course.

If none of these foods appeal to you , then consider taking an amino acid supplement L-Arginine which is great for men especially dealing with coronary artery disease or hypertension because it helps to open up blood vessels that lead to the heart, hence improving blood flow. Practice eating healthy for your heart!

Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Self and family health is the most important things in our lives. We have to maintain health, both outside and inside. Especially in terms of food. The food we eat than nutrient should also be healthy and clean.

You know the importance of serving your family a healthy breakfast, but there's often not a lot of time in the mornings. Here are a few simple and healthy breakfast recipes that you can have on the table in just minutes and that will give your family the nutrition they need.

Cereal and soy milk
Soy milk is full of healthy protein. Choose a cereal that has high fiber content and is free of high fructose corn syrup. Sprinkling some organic sugar over some plain cereal is often preferable to eating pre-sweetened cereal. Read labels on the cereal carefully and then stock up on your family's favorites.

Whole wheat toast and natural peanut butter

Whole-wheat toast is full of fiber and good carbohydrates to get you through your morning. Children love the idea of eating peanut butter for breakfast, which makes this meal a winning treat in most households. Look for natural peanut butter that is made without hydrogenated vegetable oil. If you have to stir up the peanut butter before you can use it, it's a safe bet. Add a piece of fruit, such as a banana or apple, and you have a well-rounded and easy breakfast.

Yogurt and fruit
A tub of vanilla yogurt and some fresh fruit are all you need for this healthy and fun breakfast. You can buy frozen berries, thaw them in the microwave and then drizzle them over the yogurt. You can also pair yogurt with peaches, melon or bananas for a sweet breakfast treat. Add a handful of sesame seeds or walnuts into the mix for a fun and delicious crunch.

Breakfast smoothie
If you want to make the previous idea even easier, throw the yogurt and fruit into a blender with some juice and a few ice cubes. You can make large batches of smoothies to feed your whole family. You can even sneak in some spinach or celery in the mix to add to the nutrition of the drink. Experiment with different flavor combinations so you can always have something new.

Home baked goods
Donuts and muffins are definitely easy breakfast foods to get on the run, but they aren't very healthy. Look online for healthy and hearty muffin recipes that feature whole wheat flour and applesauce to replace some of the fat and sugar in traditional recipes. Spend some time on Sunday afternoon baking up the next week's breakfast. Children will love to get in on the baking process and you can make creating your breakfast for the week a whole family event.

These breakfast ideas don't take long to make, and your family will love starting their day with a healthy, hearty family breakfast.

By : Phie


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